Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Homemade Potato Chips

Fasting at the beginning of the year is such a challenge because of football! It's really hard to resists chicken wings and beer when you're watching a game! At least this year my team was out of the playoffs (makes things a little less tempting).

The GOOD thing about fasting during football season is that it gives you an excuse to make some of the best potato chips you will ever have in your life! They take a lot of work, but they are sooooo delicious! Nothing that comes in a bag can top these, in my opinion!

First, you need to wash your potatoes and get out a sharp knife. Set your oven to broil and allow it to heat up. Thinly slide the potatoes (the thinner, the better because they will get nice and crispy). Try to cut them as evenly as possible (smaller potatoes work the best). Spread the chips onto a cookie shit and drizzle with olive oil. Season with garlic powder and rosemary. Put them in the oven for about 5 minutes (I would stay close by just in case). When the chips are starting to brown, take them out and make sure they are done. They should be nice and crispy. Thicker chips may have to be flipped over and go back in the oven.

It takes some work, but I believe they are worth it! Enjoy!

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