Monday, January 7, 2013

Protein Smoothie

I adapted this recipe from a smoothie I found on Pinterest. It includes peanut butter, cooked oatmeal, banana, unsweetened soy milk, honey, and cinnamon. I made the peanut butter myself using a little oil, water, salt, and honey. The oatmeal I cooked in advance and soaked in soy milk so it would be soft. I have decided to use honey during my fast, so if you don't want to use honey just make sure that the bananas are very ripe and it should be plenty sweet! Doing liquids only during the day has been a challenge, but manageable. This smoothie is definitely filling, so I made it my lunch drink. I start the day with juice, have this for lunch, and I was planning on doing a green smoothie in the afternoon, but I haven't been hungry enough for one!

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